Advance Registration Required to Attend. Community Reiki Shares/Reiki Clinics – Provided for reiki providers and non-providers alike to share the potential benefits of reiki; relaxation, increased calm, improved comfort, greater sense of inner peace. Advance Registration Required to Guarantee Your Space. All CDC/DPH Guidelines for Covid-19 Prevention are strictly followed. Masks are required at all times [Continue Reading]
Community Reiki Share, Mawashi and Meditation; held virtually and ‘in-person’
Advance Registration Required to Attend. Community Reiki Shares/Clinics – Provided for reiki providers and non-providers alike to share the potential benefits of reiki; relaxation, increased calm, improved comfort, greater sense of inner peace. Advance Registration and Payment Required by the Monday Before to Guarantee Your Space. All CDC/DPH Guidelines for Covid-19 Prevention are strictly followed. Masks [Continue Reading]
Celebrate Earth Day 2020 with Meditation and a ‘Virtual’ Walk in Nature
Today is the 50th Anniversary of ‘Earth Day.’ Be sure to spend some time in nature today, in gratitude, as you celebrate this wondrous planet where we all live. We are the earth’s caregivers and protectors, and that was never more evident and important than now. As Astronaut Carl Sagan’s photo demonstrated and spoke of, the earth is [Continue Reading]
Preventing the Spread of Disease and Boosting Your Immune System
To stay ‘healthy and safe’ during this national/global health crisis, it is important to be aware of and follow the advice of local, state, national and international government and public health departments guidelines. Depending on where you live in the world, those recommendations vary as well as can change daily. Sources to find up-to-date, accurate, evidence-based information include: [Continue Reading]
Dreamtime Wellness is Offering ‘Virtual’ Sessions: #StayHomeStaySafeSaveLives
During the International Pandemic Emergency, We REMAIN OPEN, offering emotional support, products for relaxation, and ‘virtual’ sessions for Healthy Coping, Relaxation, Stress Relief, Pain Management and Tobacco Treatment/Smoking Cessation. In consideration for yourand everyone’s safety, we are following the MA Department of Public Health’s Directive to ‘Stay Home’ Though we are temporarily unable to offer ‘in-person,’ [Continue Reading]
During National Health Emergency, Our ‘Virtual’ Sessions and Self-Hypnosis Recordings are Discounted
During any crisis, you may experience greater feelings of ‘stress and anxiety,’ which can impair your immune system. Mind-body therapies such as relaxation, hypnosis, and meditation help relieve stress and can improve your immune system. During this International Health Crisis, our ‘virtual’ sessions and self-hypnosis mp3 recordings are offered at discounted prices. Hypnosis is a natural state (theta brain wave) during where your mind [Continue Reading]