Begin Your Reiki Journey With Thorough, Supportive Training Steeped in Japanese Tradition First Degree/Shoden (Beginning Teaching)– 2 day, 15-hour training.** Upcoming Opportunities : Class held over 2 Days, Saturday, Sunday. Fun, Relaxing Way to Earn 15 CE’s March 23 and 24 Peabody MA April 6 and 7 in Sedona AZ May 18 and 19 in Peabody MA No pre-requisite [Continue Reading]
Enjoy a ‘Daily Attitude of Gratitude’ …
“An Attitude of Gratitude Brings Great Things.” ― Yogi Bhajan I cannot recall exactly when I consciously began to notice my deep sense of gratitude, despite various hardships experienced early in life. Positive situations, experiences and encounters occurring in the most interesting and synchronous manner often leading to more profound meaningful and interesting experiences and encounters. [Continue Reading]
Message Behind the New Logo for Dreamtime Wellness™ LLC
Combining the Science of Nursing with Holistic Care: My new Dreamtime Wellness™ logo featuring an Olive Branch entwined around the Staff of Asclepius is meant to convey my background in nursing along with my mission statement – To promote ‘peace and healing’ for mind, body and spirit. With the ultimate goal -creating inner peace and happiness that ripples out to others. “Self-care is NOT Self-ish.” I have been [Continue Reading]