Learn Reiki 1st Degree Shoden (Beginning Teaching) in this thorough, supportive apprentice-style training. April 28 and 29th. Saturday and Sunday. Gloucester MA. ‘Self-Reiki for Self-Care’ – 15 hours beginning training for self-reiki for self-care includes instruction on Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Principles (Kyogi,) discussion, practice, meditation, attunement (reiju,) manual and more. Note: Additional self-study and supervised practical training [Continue Reading]
Message Behind the New Logo for Dreamtime Wellness™ LLC
Combining the Science of Nursing with Holistic Care: My new Dreamtime Wellness™ logo featuring an Olive Branch entwined around the Staff of Asclepius is meant to convey my background in nursing along with my mission statement – To promote ‘peace and healing’ for mind, body and spirit. With the ultimate goal -creating inner peace and happiness that ripples out to others. “Self-care is NOT Self-ish.” I have been [Continue Reading]