“An Attitude of Gratitude Brings Great Things.” ― Yogi Bhajan I cannot recall exactly when I consciously began to notice my deep sense of gratitude, despite various hardships experienced early in life. Positive situations, experiences and encounters occurring in the most interesting and synchronous manner often leading to more profound meaningful and interesting experiences and encounters. [Continue Reading]
reiki training
‘Hearts and Reiki’ Abound in Sedona Arizona
I have traveled 3 times to Sedona. Each time, I meet the most interesting, kind people, enjoy stimulating, synchronous experiences, and … come across many ‘heart’ rocks. ‘Welcomed to Sedona’ by an Owl. I first traveled to Sedona in April 2004, with three reiki colleagues and one of their daughters. As we turned onto Route 89A that leads to Sedona, [Continue Reading]