‘Keep Your Eyes on the Horizon’ in 2019 for Upcoming Dreamtime Wellness™ Offerings that Promote Optimal Wellbeing for Mind, Body and Spirit! Dreamtime Wellness™ provides healthcare education, workshops, lectures and evidence-based integrative healthcare therapies (guided imagery, visualization, hypnosis, meditation, reiki, reiki training) for stress management, pain management and to promote positive behavior changes and healthy lifestyle management. [Continue Reading]
pain management
Reiki for Residents at Golden Living Gloucester
Complimentary Reiki Sessions offered to residents, family and staff at Golden Living Center Gloucester through their Activities Department. ‘Third Mondays’ in August and September. Monday, August 21st and Monday, September 18th. 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. ‘By Appointment.’ Appointments can be made through the Activities Department, by calling: 978-281 -0333 x1 or Email: Kathleen.Hitchcock@goldenliving.com.