Today is the 50th Anniversary of ‘Earth Day.’ Be sure to spend some time in nature today, in gratitude, as you celebrate this wondrous planet where we all live. We are the earth’s caregivers and protectors, and that was never more evident and important than now. As Astronaut Carl Sagan’s photo demonstrated and spoke of, the earth is [Continue Reading]
SEDONA Komyo ReikiDo™ Shinpiden (Teacher) Training with INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei
Komyo Reiki; a ‘Keep it Simple’ Reiki System from Japan – “Place Hands. Surrender. Smile.” Hyakuten Sensei, a Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan and Founder of Komyo ReikiDo™ (formerly Komyo Reiki Kai™ ) will be offering a Shinpiden (Teacher) Reiki Training Workshop, for the first-time in Sedona Arizona. Reiki Teachers from all lineages from around the globe [Continue Reading]
Celebrating Arbor Day
Celebrate National Arbor Day, the Last Friday of April – Plant a tree or take a walk in the woods today and enjoy connecting with nature. Dogtown and Ravenswood in Gloucester and Coolidge Reservation in Manchester-by-the-sea are favorite places to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing walk in the woods. The Arnold Arboretum in Boston is another [Continue Reading]
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, 2019
Join me in Celebrating Earth Day! Wherever you are, spend some time in nature today, embracing the beauty of Mother Earth. What are your plans for Earth Day? I will be walking in memory of my mother, at the Morton Arboretum where we shared many walks together. The daffodil and redbuds will be in bloom; some [Continue Reading]