To stay ‘healthy and safe’ during this national/global health crisis, it is important to be aware of and follow the advice of local, state, national and international government and public health departments guidelines. Depending on where you live in the world, those recommendations vary as well as can change daily. Sources to find up-to-date, accurate, evidence-based information include: [Continue Reading]
Dreamtime Wellness is Offering ‘Virtual’ Sessions: #StayHomeStaySafeSaveLives
During the International Pandemic Emergency, We REMAIN OPEN, offering emotional support, products for relaxation, and ‘virtual’ sessions for Healthy Coping, Relaxation, Stress Relief, Pain Management and Tobacco Treatment/Smoking Cessation. In consideration for yourand everyone’s safety, we are following the MA Department of Public Health’s Directive to ‘Stay Home’ Though we are temporarily unable to offer ‘in-person,’ [Continue Reading]
SEDONA Komyo ReikiDo™ Shinpiden (Teacher) Training with INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei
Komyo Reiki; a ‘Keep it Simple’ Reiki System from Japan – “Place Hands. Surrender. Smile.” Hyakuten Sensei, a Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan and Founder of Komyo ReikiDo™ (formerly Komyo Reiki Kai™ ) will be offering a Shinpiden (Teacher) Reiki Training Workshop, for the first-time in Sedona Arizona. Reiki Teachers from all lineages from around the globe [Continue Reading]
1st Degree Reiki Training in Sedona; 15 CE’s for Nurses, Case Managers and Social Workers
2 Day, 15 Hour Workshop** November 7 and 8 in Sedona Arizona Add on extra days for added personal retreat and hands-on practice. The Focus of This Training is on ‘Self-Reiki for Self-Care’ Thorough, Supportive Training. Ongoing Practice Opportunities. Additional Mentoring. All Levels of Reiki Training Offered at Dreamtime Wellness™ /Komyo ReikiDo™ Boston. First Degree/ Shoden [Continue Reading]
Added Community Reiki Shares/Clinics this October
Two Additional Reiki Shares/Clinics this month -‘in memory’ Sunday, October 27, 1:00 – 4 pm. Greene ME AND Monday, October 28. 5:15 – 8:15 pm. Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease(MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease. This month’s donations will be donated to support the ALS MA Chapter’s efforts to better treat and defeat this disease. [Continue Reading]
1st Degree Reiki Training in Peabody, MA; 15 CEs for Nurses, Case Managers and Social Workers
Thorough, Supportive Training. Ongoing Practice Opportunities. Additional Mentoring. All Levels of Reiki Training Offered at Dreamtime Wellness™ /Komyo ReikiDo™ Boston. September 21 and 22 15-hours of Training Taught Over 2 days•• First Degree/ Shoden – Shoden means ‘first’ or ‘beginning’ teaching. The focus at Shoden Level is primarily on self-healing, self-care, health and happiness, as well as [Continue Reading]