15- Hour Workshop**
November 7 and 8 in Sedona Arizona
Add on extra days for added personal retreat and hands-on practice.
The Focus of This Training is on ‘Self-Reiki for Self-Care’
Thorough, Supportive Training. Ongoing Practice Opportunities. Additional Mentoring. All Levels of Reiki Training Offered at Dreamtime Wellness™ /Komyo ReikiDo™ Boston.
First Degree/ Shoden – Shoden means ‘first’ or ‘beginning’ teaching. The focus at Shoden Level is primarily on self-healing, self-care, health and happiness, as well as offering reiki to others (family, friends, pets, plants.) Students gain a basic knowledge of Reiki Ryohō and its history and learn the fundamentals of this hands-on healing practice.
Emphasis is placed on learning non-attachment through hands-on practice and methods for self-healing and self-improvement.
No Class Prerequisite. Come with an ‘open mind’ and ‘open heart.’
Class is taught over two days. Additional days can be added for a personal retreat and participation in Reiki Shares** Contact Us for Details on Dates, Times and Cost. Four Reiju (attunement) are offered.
What students will receive/learn:
♥ Four (4) Reiju
♥ Definition, discussion, and explanation of Reiki and Reiki Ryohō
♥ The verifiable history of Usui Reiki Ryoho
♥ Introduction to and discussion on The Gokai: Reiki Principles and Precepts
♥ How to pronounce the Gokai in Japanese
♥ Practical uses of Reiki
♥ Hand Positions for Self Treatments
♥ 21-day daily ‘self-reiki for self- healing’ practice and Gassho meditation
♥ At least one ‘hands-on’ practice session
♥ Snacks and beverages
~Additional information on reiki research, relaxation and stress relief included.~
Continuing Education Contact Hours: 15 Continuing Education (CEs) for Nurses, (approved for) Case Managers and Social Workers. This program has been pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs) and pre-approved by the National Association of Social Workers – MA Chapter (NASW-MA) Collaborative of NASW and the Boston College and Simmons Schools of Social Work to provide continuing education credits to Social Workers (SWs.)

Reiki is a wonderful adjunct for all healthcare providers, as a relaxation and self-care tool, as well as assisting others with their goals of optimal wellness.
~Reiju (attunements), meditation and walks in nature included~ as weather allows
** Post-Class Requirements:This 15-hour in-person class is all you need to begin your self-reiki practice. *Note: 35 hours additional requirements prior to receiving Shoden ‘Certification of Completion/50 hours total (and pre-requisite for 2nd Degree/Chuden.) Additional requirements include: self-study and 3 supervised practicums at monthly Reiki Shares/Clinics (or by other arrangements). Contact us with any questions. Details, forms and checklist are included in your class.
~ Right Class. Right Time. Right Teacher. ~
— Karen Pischke BSN, RN, Usui Reiki Master Teacher/Komyo Reiki Shihan
Note: Completion of class requirements at Dreamtime Wellness™ Due within 6 months of initial date of class. Otherwise, you will be required to ‘repeat’ for a nominal fee, to complete your requirements. Some students choose to ‘re-sit’ classes periodically, to deepen their understanding and practice of reiki.
Invest in Reiki Training as a ‘Self-Care Tool’ for Your Optimal Wellbeing!
Where you go from there, is up to you.
Contact Us for Further Information and to Register – Email: dreamtimewellness@gmail.com or Phone: 978-283-4258
Payment Can Be Made Via PayPal, Check, Cash or Credit Card. ‘Payment Plans’ Available Upon Request.
Upcoming Classes– All levels of training offered upon request. Limited minimum and maximum # of students. Classes offered nationally, ‘on-site’ upon request. Contact us for more details.