“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
SINCE 2000, OUR REIKI CERTIFICATION CLASSES HAVE EVOLVED and EXPANDED – I began teaching Western (Traditional) USUI Reiki in 2000 as an apprentice Reiki Master Teacher at the North Shore Medical Center (NSMC,) in Salem MA. In 2004, Dreamtime Wellness™ training certification programs were expanded to include ‘multi-tiered’ levels of training depending on individual interest and need.
My Japanese Reiki Training- Through a NYC colleague, I was introduced to Komyo Reiki Kai™ Founder Inamoto Hyakuten Sensei. I took my first Shinpiden/Shihan (Teacher) Training with him in 2008 in Toronto Canada. After ‘re-sitting’ class with him many times and a trip to Japan, I began teaching Komyo Reiki exclusively in 2012. I find this Keep It Simple System (‘Hand’s On, Nothing More’) simple yet profoundly deep and quick to create a relaxed state of mind and body, especially helpful in health care.
Komyo Reiki Motto – Place Your Hands. Surrender and Smile. -INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei
Offering a Variety of ‘Multi – Tiered’ Levels of Reiki Training to Suit Your Needs:
- Reiki for Self-Care– Open to All. (8 hours.) Focus is on learning self-reiki for self-care. (Geared toward those diagnosed with chronic illness or pain and/or their family member(s.)
- Reiki Level One/First Degree – Open to All. Learn Reiki for self-care as well as to offer to your family and pets. (50 hrs.)
- Intermediate Reiki for Clinical Practice – Second Degree/Level 2 (Pre-requisite Level 1/First Degree) (60 hrs.)
- Komyo Reiki-Do: Learning Reiki as a Spiritual Practice – Shoden/Chuden/Okuden (First Degree to 3rd Degree.) (250 hours of training.) As taught by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, Japanese Buddhist Monk from Kyoto Japan, Founder of Komyo Reiki-Do (Formerly Komyo Reiki Kai.™) Candidate Interview and Apprenticeship required for Shinpiden to Shihan (Teacher) level. For more information on Komyo Reiki-Do, Ethics, Standards and Guidelines for Practice and Teaching, and schedule of classes and retreats with Hyakuten Sensei: http://www.komyoreikido.org.

- Professional Reiki Training – (250-hours of training.) Geared to students that wish to offer reiki as a professional practice in hospitals, hospice, homes, and private practice. Supportive, thorough training with ongoing mentoring including information ‘Ethics and Boundaries’ and the The Business of Reiki: Setting Up Your Professional Practice.

- The Business of Reiki: Setting Up Your Professional Practice. (For those that wish to go on after learning Reiki as a spiritual practice and Reiki Practitioners from other Reiki Teachers and Systems. Pre-requisite – 3rd Degree (Okuden) /Reiki Master. (50 Hours of Training.)
- Reiki: Working With Animals – Pre-requisite 2nd Degree/Level 2. (Recommended for working with animals other than your own.)
- Reiki for Equestrians and Their Horse – ‘Balance, Center and Ride’ with Reiki for improved comfort and enhanced eventing performance. (No pre-requisite. Intended for Rider and their own horse(s.) Intermediate Level 2/2nd Degree recommended for working with horses other than your own.
- Reiki Continuing Education and Refresher Classes – Offering a variety of topics for ceu contact hours. Refresher (audits) and attunements for those whose reiki practice has lapsed.
See our calendar events for upcoming Reiki Training. Reiki Trainings can also be scheduled ‘upon request.’ Contact Us for Details.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” -Buddhist Proverb
I first met INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, in 2008 in Toronto Canada, ten years into my practice of Usui Reiki Ryōhō. A Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan and Founder of Komyo ReikiDo™ (formerly Komyo Reiki Kai™). This Komyo Reiki Kai™ was hosted by Reiki Teacher Elyssa Matthews.
After four ‘sittings’ with Sensei and a journey to Kyoto Japan with Elyssa in March 2011, my practice and teaching shifted from that of Western Usui Reiki to Komyo Reiki. Sensei’s ‘Keep it Simple’ Reiki System style and practice, felt more authentic and effects, deeper. Sensei’s teachings of Reiki Ryōhō, along with Japanese history, culture, and language helped correct, clarify and validate previous Western Reiki teachings. This authenticity and depth of practice was validated by feedback from students and clients, both verbally, and in the effects experienced. In June of 2019, I returned for two Komyo ReikiDo™ Shinpiden (Teacher) Trainings, my 13th ‘sitting’ with Sensei. The concept of ‘mastery’ of any practice is that of always learning, helpfully evolving and growing in knowledge and understanding. April 2022 I hosted and attended my 14th Shinpiden class with Hyakuten Sensei, in Sedona Arizona. Always learning …
Trainings offered in Massachusetts (Boston, North of Boston, Cape Ann,) Sedona Arizona, Maine, Vermont and ‘On-Site’ nationally and internationally.
CEU’s – Ask about continuing education contact hours for body workers, case managers, nurses, and social workers.
Testimonial: “Karen has been a very supportive Reiki teacher from the moment I met her. She has guided me through my Reiki journey with a gentle hand and a vast amount of knowledge! Thank you, Karen, for all you do!” -Diana W. Gloucester MA
Komyo ReikiDo Trainings: All 4 levels offered. *Learn reiki for self-care, cancer treatment support or professional practice. Contact us for details.
Note: Dreamtime Wellness™ /Komyo Reiki-Do Boston Classes are taught in the traditional apprentice-style format (in-line with Western Reiki Alliance standards and traditional Japanese Reiki Training). From Reiki Level One/First Degree to Level Three/3rd Degree typically achieved over the course of 2-3 years, and 3 years of practice prior to instruction as Reiki Teacher/ Komyo Shihan. Since expanding our training, our students have reported enjoying a thorough, intensive style of training which ‘makes a difference’ in what they experience, as well as enhances the experience for those that receive reiki sessions from them.
While some people may report “enjoying the relaxation” experience of Reiki, my hope is those those receiving Reiki and Reiki Training are ‘awakened’ with a profound “WOW” or “AMAZING” experience that comes from deeper practice and is truly JOYful.

The Importance of Reiki for Self- Care – No matter what ‘level’ of Reiki Training we attain, it always comes back to ‘self.’ For as we take better care of ourselves and practice daily Reiki as both a spiritual path as ‘hands-on’ therapy for the purpose shin-shin kaizen (mind-body improvement,) we have more to offer to those we work with. As a teacher, my greatest compliment is when the students’ skill surpasses my own. I am most proud of those students that have worked diligently on themselves through the Daily Practice of ‘Self-Reiki’ and Gokai (Reiki Precepts) as well as completing stringent requirements for their ‘Certificate of Completion.’
~ Karen Pischke, BSN, RN Reiki Teacher/Shihan (Teaching Reiki Since 2000. Working with Reiki in Healthcare since 1999.)