Nurses, Be Sure to Love and Take Care of Your SELF This Nurse’s Week! Case Managers, Nurses, Nursing Students, CNA’s – For life-work balanceand avoiding burnout, the most important lessons I learned have been to make time for vacations and learn self-care tools for daily relaxation and stress management. Self-hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness, reiki, tai-chi, and yoga are all helpful modalities that [Continue Reading]
tai chi
Tips to Enjoy a More Relaxed Holiday Season
10 Tips to Cope With Holiday Stressors: Make it fun Keep it simple Lower expectations Organize and prioritize Spend less money and more time making memories Moderation, moderation, moderation in food and alcohol Mindfulness, kindness and humor can help turn negatives into positives Make time for wellness: consider exercise, dance and integrative therapies (i.e. acupuncture, massage, [Continue Reading]